Joseph - APL Nationals 2022



Joseph competed in the open under 90 kg raw division (aka wearing knee sleeves whilst squatting).

Outside of the gym, Joseph makes a damn good coffee and is close to finishing his masters of sports chiropractic. During the uni semester he does all his training out of his home gym to save time, then comes to Strength Tribe during his breaks and leading up to comps. Joseph is mr consistency and his results speak for themselves.

Comp day Joseph finished 3rd place with:

Squat - 212.5 kg

Bench - 135 kg

Deadlift - 252.5 kg

Total - 600 kg

Since nationals 2022, Joseph has been putting in the work to keep growing and building into bigger numbers. He competed in the APL state championships at Strength Tribe and put up a 635 kg total made up of a 220 kg squat, 145 kg bench, 270 kg deadlift. He recently competed in the 2023 APL nationals and finished on a 645 kg total. He finished on a 230 kg squat, 135 kg bench (was a little stubborn on the day), 280 kg deadlift. He already has his sights on next years nationals with a qualifier locked in for the end of year. More kg’s to come!


Kade - APL Nationals 2022


Ishbel - APL Nationals 2022